Workshop on Macroeconomic Implications of Migration

Conference Bank of Canada

Event Date

Ottawa, Canada and MS Teams

The Bank of Canada and the Global Migration Center are jointly organizing a Workshop on the Macroeconomic Implications of Migration, which will be held at the Bank of Canada Head Office in Ottawa (and via MS Teams) on August 29-30, 2022.

The workshop consists of two keynote lectures by Ethan Lewis (Dartmouth College) and Giovanni Peri (UC Davis) and four sessions with contributions from invited researchers and designated discussants:

1) Skilled Migration, H1B Visas, Offshoring
2) Migration, Labor Markets, and Inequality
3) Migration and Productivity
4) Migration, the Business Cycle, Monetary and Fiscal Policies

The full schedule is available here.

Feel free to visit the website for more information.

Live streamed via MS Teams at this link.

Event Category
