NAWS 2018

Event Date

Andrews Conference Room 2203 SSH

The National Agricultural Workers Survey (NAWS) was begun in 1989 to help DOL determine the supply of labor available to US crop agriculture so that, in conjunction with USDA estimates of the demand for crop workers, the proper number of free-agent RAW workers could have been legalized or admitted to prevent farm labor shortages. There were no labor shortages, and USDA stopped estimating the demand for crop workers, but DOL continued to collect data on the characteristics and earnings of crop workers, which find a mostly unauthorized farm worker that is aging and settling in one place with families that include US-born children.

This workshop will review almost 30 years of NAWS data. Session 1 will explain why DOL chose to begin a new survey rather than continue USDA’s supplement to the December CPS, the current state of NAWS, and the role of the evolving NAWS in the farm labor data landscape. Session 2 will compare US and CA trends in worker characteristics, employment and earnings, and other variables. Session 3 highlights analyses using NAWS data, and Session 4 provides perspectives on the survey from organizations that represent agricultural employers and conduct farm labor research.

This workshop, and a farm labor conference April 13, 2018, is sponsored by the UCD Gifford Center and the Giannini Foundation.

Click here for more information.

Registration is now closed.


8am    Breakfast available

8:30     Welcome and overview, Philip Martin, Daniel Carroll, DOL, and Tim Beatty, UC- Davis

8:45     The Long View: 30 years of NAWS Data (15 minutes)

  • Rick Mines, DOL-ret
  • Daniel Carroll, DOL
  • Discussants: Ed Kissam, Don Villarejo

10:00   Break

10:15   NAWS Trends: California and US (20 minutes and 15 minutes)

  • Daniel Carroll, DOL
  • Susan Gabbard, JBS
  • Jorge Nakamoto, JBS
  • Discussants: Dave Dahlberg, EDD; Curt Stock, USDA, NASS

11:45   Lunch

12:45   Analyses using NAWS Data (20 minute presentations)

  • Jeff Perloff, UCB
  • Erin Hamilton, UC-Davis
  • Ali Hill, UC-Davis
  • Ed Taylor, UC-Davis

2:15     Break

2:30     Perspectives on NAWS (10-15 minute presentations)

  • Bryan Little, CFBF
  • Lupe Sandoval, CFLCA
  • Katy Wilcoxen, CA EPS
  • Jennifer Hernandez, EDD
  • Juan Regalado, DOL

4:30     Adjourn


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