Introduction to International Migration: The outlines of knowledge and continuing research

Book Panel Poster by Rolando

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Introduction of a new undergraduate/graduate student textbook on international migration. Survey of the field of migration studies with an emphasis on new theoretical and ethical issues.


1. Jeannette Money, co-editor (5-7 minutes): Origins and goals of book; pedagogical goals; organization of book and chapters

2. Sarah Lockhart, co-editor (5-7 minutes): New immigration issues

Contributors (3-5 minutes each): new theoretical and ethical issues in respective areas of expertise

3. Laura Cleton, co-author of chapter “Gendered Migrations”

4. Ingrid Boas, co-author of chapter on “Environmental Change and Migration”

5. Rebecca Hamlin, co-author of chapter on “Forced Migration and Refugee Flows”

6. Margaret Peters, author of chapter on “Migration and Development”

7. Interaction with audience(around 20-25 minutes)



Jeannette Money is a professor of Political Science at the University of California Davis. Money research focuses on political ramifications of international migration on both the sending and recipient countries.

Sarah Lockhart is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Fordham University. She has published articles on migrant rights and the structure of migration governance, with a special emphasis on human smuggling and trafficking.

Laura Cleton is a PhD researcher in Political Science at the University of Antwerp. Her thesis interrogates migration control and programs in Belgium and the Netherlands from an intersectional perspective.

Ingrid Boas is an Associate Professor at the Environmental Policy Group of Wageningen University. Her research interests include environmental change, mobilities and governance, with a focus on the topic of environmental/climate change-related human mobility.

Rebecca Hamlin is an Associate Professor of Political Science and Legal Studies at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Her research focuses on the intersection of law and politics and how migrants are categorized in the law.

Margaret Peters is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Los Angeles. Her research focuses broadly on international economy with a special focus on the politics of migration.


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