Immigration Enforcement and Labor Supply: Hispanic Youth in Mixed-Status Families


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SpeakerJoaquín Alfredo-Angel Rubalcaba (UNC Chapel Hill)

TitleImmigration Enforcement and Labor Supply: Hispanic Youth in Mixed-Status Families (joint with Jose R. Bucheli and Camila Morales)

AbstractThis study evaluates the labor supply behavior of US-born Hispanic youth in response to immigration enforcement. We draw on the added worker effect and underscore immigration enforcement actions as a factor influencing labor supply decisions within immigrant families. We argue that while immigration enforcement reduces labor supply among non-citizens, the labor supply among US-born Hispanic youth in mixed-status families increases. Using the Current Population Survey and data on immigration-related arrests, we find that an unexpected surge in arrests increases labor force participation of US-born Hispanic youth by 6 percentage points and weekly hours worked by up to 20 percent.

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