3rd Workshop on Macroeconomic Implications of Migration

Event Date

Banco de Mexico, Mexico City

Third Annual Workshop on Macroeconomic Implications of Migration

Call for papers

Banco de Mexico, Bank of Canada, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, the Economics Department at ITAM and the Global Migration Center at the University of California Davis would like to invite you to submit a paper to the third edition of the workshop on the Macroeconomic Implications of Migration that will take place at the Banco de Mexico, Mexico City, on October 11-12, 2024. The conference will be in person over one day and a half, with a remote option to participate.


The goal of the workshop is to promote discussion and dissemination of innovative theoretical and empirical research on the macroeconomic implications of migration. The organizing committee invites research submissions on topics related (but not limited) to:

  • The labor market impacts of (im)migration, their effects on firms, productivity, and innovation.
  • The business-cycle behavior and consequences of (im)migration, its response to different economic shocks, and its relation to (monetary and fiscal) policies.
  • The role of remittances in migrant-sending and receiving countries, and the patterns and effects of return migration on both origin and destination countries.
  • The effect of immigration on housing markets, prices, and inflation.
  • The interplay between migration, foreign investment, and international trade.
  • The design, implementation, and effects of family migration policies.
  • International or internal post-pandemic migration.
  • The dynamics and consequences of migration resulting from climate change or conflict.


The keynote speakers for the workshop are Esteban Rossi-Hansberg (University of Chicago) and Melanie Morten (Stanford University). 

The deadline for submission is June 30h, 2024. Please upload your information and the submission here. Submissions should include either a full paper or an extended abstract with the main results. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by July 31st.


Workshop organizers

  • Arturo Anton, Banco de Mexico
  • Daniel Chiquiar, ITAM
  • Joan Monras, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
  • Daniela Hauser, International Economic Analysis, Bank of Canada
  • Federico Mandelman, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
  • Giovanni Peri, University of California at Davis
  • Daniela Puggioni, Banco de Mexico
  • Alejandrina Salcedo, Banco de Mexico