Book presentation: Narrando la deportación: historias de movilidad entre Estados Unidos y México


Event Date

Zoom & 2203 SS&H, Andrews Conference Room

Title of event: Book presentation: Narrando la deportación: historias de movilidad entre Estados Unidos y México, edited by Óscar Miranda Villanueva, Enrique Martínez Curiel, Luis Rodolfo Morán Quiroz (Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, 2023)

Download the book here

● Robert McKee Irwin (UC Davis), Principal Investigator, Humanizando la Deportación
● Óscar Miranda Villanueva (Tecnológico de Monterrey), Professor, School of Humanities and Education
● Enrique Martínez Curiel (University of Guadalajara) Professor, Social Sciences and Humanities
● Luis Rodolfo Morán Quiroz (University of Guadalajara), Professor, Sociology

This event, presented by Humanizando la Deportación, and sponsored by the Global Migration
Center and the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, celebrates the publication of a collection
of essays based on research carried out using the public digital archive of Humanizando la
Deportación, including contributions by a dozen collaborators, focusing on key issues raised by
deported migrants in their audiovisual testimonial narratives such as family separation, mental
health, and entrepreneurship, among many others.

View a recording of the seminar here. 

