Humanizando la deportación. Narrativas digitales desde las calles de Tijuana.

Robert McKee Irwin and Guillermo Alonso Menenses
Published in
El Colegio de la Frontera Norte

The Humanizing Deportation team has published the book Humanizando la deportación: Narrativas digitales desde las calles de Tijuana, coordinated by GMC Deputy Director Robert McKee Irwin and the late Guillermo Alonso Meneses (El Colegio de la Frontera Norte). This book, whose seven chapters, written by members of the transnational research team, draw principally from the fieldwork of the project's inaugural team in 2017, will be launched officially in November at the Guadalajara International Book Fair, and presented later this academic year at the Global Migration Center. Cover art by deported migrant Emma Sánchez de Paulsen. 

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