The Fluid, Multi-Scalar, and Contradictory Construction of Citizenship Author: Luis Eduardo Guarnizo. Comparative Urban and Community Research, July 2017.
Migrants’ Transnational Political Engagement in Spain and Italy Authors: Luis Eduardo Guarnizo, Ali R Chaudhary, Ninna Nyberg Sørensen. Oxford Academia, October 31st, 2017.
The Migration-Development Nexus and the Changing Role of Transnational Immigrant Organizations Author: Luis Eduardo Guarnizo. Ethnic and Racial Studies, January 4th, 2017.
Commentary on the Study of Transnationalism: Pitfalls and Promise of an Emergent Research Field Authors: Alejandro Portes, Luis Eduardo Guarnizo & Patricia Landolt. Ethnic and Racial Studies, June 5th, 2017.
Room for Manoeuvre: Rethinking the Intersections Between Migration and the Informal Economy in Post-Industrial Economies Authors: M. Anne Visser and Luis E. Guarnizo. Population, Space and Place, 2017.
Paid Domestic Work, globalization, and informality. Authors: Luis Eduardo Guarnizo and Guadalupe Rodriguez. Population, Space and Place, 2017.
Pakistani immigrant organisational spaces in Toronto and New York City Authors: Luis E. Guarnizo, and Ali R. Chaudhary. Journal for Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2016.
Puerto Ricans in the U.S. Low-Wage Labor Market: Introduction to the Issues, Trends, and Policies Authors: M. Anne Visser and Edwin Melendez. CENTRO Journal, 2011.
Determinants of Transnational Political Engagement Among Dominican and Colombian Migrants in Southern Europe Authors: Luis E. Guarnizo, and Ali R. Chaudhary. International Migration Institute, 2014.
Changes in the Structure of Low-Wage Labor Markets and Skills Selectivity among Puerto Rican Migrants Authors: M. Anne Visser and Edwin Melendez. CENTRO Journal, 2011.