
Errante: Imaginarios migrantes en primera persona

GMC Deputy Director Robert McKee Irwin and Ana Luisa Calvillo Vázquez’s, “Narrativas digitales con migrantes en situación de calle: reflexiones metodológicas” in Arlet Rodríguez Orozco and Sergio Prieto Díaz, Coords. Errante: Imaginarios migrantes en primera persona (Mexico City: Centro de Investigación e Integración Transdisciplinar en Ciencia y Arte, 2024), pp. 68-91.

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Humanizando la deportación. Narrativas digitales desde las calles de Tijuana

GMC Deputy Director, Robert McKee Irwin has just returned from the Feria Internacional del Libro in Guadalajara, where he and Víctor Espinioza, the President of El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF) presented the just published book Humanizando la deportaciión: narrativas digitales desde las calles de Tijuana, which Irwin coedited with the late Guillermo Alonso Meneses, also of el COLEF.

Changes in international immigration and internal native mobility after COVID-19 in the USA

GMC Director Giovanni Peri and GMC graduate student affiliate Reem Zaiour's co-authored article "Changes in international immigration and internal native mobility after COVID-19 in the USA" was published in the Journal of Population Economics. 

The article found no significant link between post-pandemic decreased immigration and internal native mobility in the United States. 

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Request for Articles - The Deportation System and Its Aftermath

GMC Faculty Affiliates Caitlin Patler and Brad Jones are co-editing a special issue of RSF: Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, “The Deportation System and its Aftermath.” From the introduction, “The overarching objective for the issue is to publish outstanding new studies that further the theorization and documentation of the direct and indirect impacts of the deportation system and its aftermath.”

Emigration and Entrepreneurial Drain

GMC Director Giovanni Peri and co-authors and GMC affiliates Massimo Anelli, Gaetano Basso, and Giuseppe Ippedico's paper was published in the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. This paper shows the loss of entrepreneurship in Italy because of young, college-educated individuals' emigration after the 2010 recession. Read more here

Intergenerational Spillover Effects of Language Training for Refugees

GMC director Giovanni Peri and coauthors' work was published in Journal of Public Economics. Their research pertains to “the intergenerational effects of expanding language training for refugees.”  Their findings conclude differences between older boys and girls in lower secondary school/education.    Read more here

Contemporary Stories of Migration and Deportation

GMC Deputy Director Robert Mckee Irwin's article "Contemporary Stories of Migration and Deportation" has been published in Latin America in Transition, Vol.5, edited by Mónica Szurmuk and Devra Castillo (Cambridge University Press).

U.S. Citizen Children De Facto Deported to Mexico

Erin Hamilton a GMC Affiliate, Claudia Masferrer (El Colegio de México) and Paola Langer a GMC grad affiliate, have been published in Population and Development Review for their work on the de facto deportation of U.S. citizen children. This paper elaborates on the effects that deportation has not only on the deportee but the deportee's family as well. This correlates to the idea of de facto deported which means that the children of the deportee had to emigrate from the US, being US citizens, in order to have what is called family reorganizing, to have the family stay together.

Are Immigrants More Left-Leaning than Natives?

Giovanni Peri and his coauthors Simone Moriconi (U. of Paris) and Riccardo Turati (Autonoma del Bercelona) were recently released a working paper. They show that second generation immigrants in European countries have a tendency to vote for more left-leaning parties, relative to similar natives, after controlling for their characteristics and their country of origin. They then show that this left-bias associates with stronger preferences for government intervention and for internationalism and multiculturalism.

Taming Immigration Trauma

GMC Affiliate, Raquel E. Aldana, made a publication in Cardozo Law Review. This article talks about the United States' borders and its enforcement. Stating that the United States can be more humane and elaborating on two principles; the extent of the border's impact and human trauma, to serve as a guide. 

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