group of children

U.S. Citizen Children De Facto Deported to Mexico

Erin Hamilton a GMC Affiliate, Claudia Masferrer (El Colegio de México) and Paola Langer a GMC grad affiliate, have been published in Population and Development Review for their work on the de facto deportation of U.S. citizen children. This paper elaborates on the effects that deportation has not only on the deportee but the deportee's family as well. This correlates to the idea of de facto deported which means that the children of the deportee had to emigrate from the US, being US citizens, in order to have what is called family reorganizing, to have the family stay together. They state, “In addition to informing U.S. immigration reform, our research should motivate and inform binational programs focused on child and family welfare to improve the lives of U.S. citizens whom the U.S.government forces to reside elsewhere.” 
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